See how Anycover has delivered measurable benefits to its merchants

Airbot builds customer trust with Anycover, with every fourth customer opting for extended protection

Mayer, a leading home & kitchen appliances brand, grows sales with Anycover

myFirst offers accidental damage protection with help of Anycover; resulting in 32% attach rates

Metapod strengthens brand trust by providing consumers peace of mind

OnePhone unlocks new revenue stream with Anycover

Synced pioneers in third-party product protection for its new-age tech gadgets

Cathay Electronics boosts customer experience with Anycover

Gameshop goes live with Anycover in less than a day; generating 8.4% incremental revenue

KS Mobile drives incremental revenue and uplevels the post-purchase experience with Anycover

Luxus grew sales by 8% by integrating Anycover extended warranty program